CBT will help you look at depressive, angry, anxious, unhealthy thoughts. And, it further explores the connected self -sabotaging or over reactionary behaviors. Then with an experienced therapist you can address alternative and balanced thoughts to create a progressive, acceptable behaviors. This is a well researched and evidence based therapy that often accompanies homework outside of therapy session
DBT will help you look at painful, intense or contradictory emotions and will help you reduces conflicts in your relationships. It focuses on mastering four key concepts: 1) Mindfulness - helps in improving your ability to accept and be present in the moment without taking it personally. 2) Distress Tolerance - helps in increasing your endurance of painful emotions, instead of avoiding or running away from it. 3) Emotional Regulation - teaches you strategies to manage and de-escalate intense emotions, such as anger or tears. and 4) Interpersonal Effectiveness - helps you maintain self-respect while assertively communicate your needs to build strength and trust in relationship without feeling rejected, withdrawn and lonely.
Imago Therapy accepts that conflicts are normal in relationships and can cause distress. Therefore, this therapy provides tools to respectfully understand and even honor the differences in your partner to help the triggering partner to heal and create emotionally safe partnership. Imago Therapy does not pathologize partners i.e. you do not have to have to have a mental illness to have stressful marriage. In fact this therapy empowers individuals and partners to learn tools to have a long term relationship success.
EMDR helps clients with traumatic memories that persists and creates high distress, such as nightmares, panic attacks, abuse or loss. This can happen with direct experience of a traumatic event or witnessing one. Such as a car accident; sexual, physical and/ or verbal abuse; domestic violence of parents in childhood; high performance anxiety e.g. athletes or school or work presentations or for someone with chronic medical conditions. Debilitating trauma usually is stored in imbalance in one's brain, which creates this stuck feeling. EMDR helps client reprocess their scary, stuck memory using both sides of the brain, left and right to find a healthy, manageable balance to address this experience for greater functionality.
Neuropsychology has had tremendous success in recent years with scientific advancement of brain and mind. We finally have the actual 'x-ray', imaging to see how psychotherapy helps create healthy pathways in your brain to optimize the mind to increase mood and attention and decrease depression and anxiety. One can, though expensive, get a pet scan image of their brain pre and post psychotherapy. Neuropsychology education can help you better understand mental health issues, it's reality and your responsibility! And importance of getting help early is equally necessary for you and your relationships as you would for heart condition, cancer, broken leg or any and all (physical or psychological) medical conditions to have a better life for yourself and have a more enjoyable relationships.
Feel free to inquire if you are wondering about a specific type of therapy that may or may not be listed here.
For more information please reach out at (650) 618-6434, email therapy@sfbaytherapistgroup.com, or click here.